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AI Agents Automating Tailored Workflows in a Lego Way

Starting with AI Executive Assistant for Email Workflows


We Deliver Reliable Assistants to Complete Customized Workflows

Meet Your Executive Assistant with Just an Email

No more "what time works for you?", "This time doesn't work. How about these days?" that distract energy.

Just include your Executive Assistant in any email conversation. It will coordinate proactively and schedule autonomously.

Your Workspace Companion Prioritizes Your Overloaded Professional Life

We know reading hundreds of emails from multiple sources for hours is the first thing to start your day as analysts. Our Executive Assistant ranks and prioritizes overloaded emails based on your own preferences and behavior.

Managing schedules and contacts? No problem, they'll be taken care of as well. Moreover, it leads you to more AI agents on our platform to complete sophisticated workflows.

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Overseeing AI to Build Your Own Workflows

Building workflows is just a few words and clicks away on the platform. Our AI knows what fundamental tasks are required for your request and automatically assembles atomic tasks into a workflow, under your control, configuration, and inspection.

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Domain Experts at Your Fingertips 

Our Agent Store and Workflow Store have a group of AI domain experts and customizable workflows for your projects.


We believe enterprises will soon run on code and Bits. AI will build and complete enterprise workflows autonomously. Powered by our unique structured reasoning engine ("Lego store" for enterprise workflows), we enable people to build generative enterprises in a trustworthy, reliable, and personalized way 

Our mission is to enable financial professionals to build customizable, configurable, and inspectable workflows in seconds. We build atomic tasks (Lego bricks) and AI that's trained to assemble atomic tasks into a workflow (Lego masterpiece)



Minimal Marginal Cost to Scale Workflows

Long-tail Personalized Use Cases Unleashed

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From RPA to AgentPA

A leap forward from RPA towards personalized workflow automation by agents. No more rigid rules. Build any customized workflow on the fly based on your request

From Learning to Use Software to Building AI Agents Learning to Serve You

Say goodbye to static software with limited features. Embrace personalized "dynamic software" powered by your own workspace AI agents

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We are Different

BitPal is powered by our unique  structured reasoning infra and engine to combine the best of LLM and symbolic methods, building any customized workflows automatically in seconds and ensuring trust and reliability for end-to-end autonomy in enterprises



We are always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our team. If you are interested in working with cutting-edge AI technology and making a real impact on the future of work, we want to hear from you.


San Francisco, CA/NYC, NY

We are looking for an experienced full-stack engineer to join our team and help us build the next generation of AI-powered solutions.

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